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查看最新留学文章您的位置: 中英网UKER.net > 留学资讯 > 英国签证 > 签证办理 > 签证常见问题问答


中英网  www.uker.net  2007-02-26  来源: educationuk.cn  作者: 未知


1. 问:我是一名大学一年级的学生,准备大学毕业后留学英国,我想咨询一下取得大学学士学位后我可以直接申请攻读博士学位或硕博连读吗?申请攻读博士学位或硕博连读得到奖学金的机会比申请硕士学位大吗?可能得到全奖吗?最高奖学金的金额是多少?申请得到的奖学金是只有第一年的吗?什么时候准备好雅思成绩最为合适,既不会过了两年有效期又不会太早?两年有效期是指在申请时有效还是要在入学时有效?若想申请2009年秋季入学什么时候向学校申请最合适,可以在2007年下半年申请吗?


2. 问:我是一名高二学生,我想去英国读一年语言课程,然后再读一年基础课之后进大学念本科。这个学习计划可行吗?再或者我先学两年A-level然后再进大学念书?


3. 问:英国的研究生教育和中国上课模式类似吗?英国研究教育怎么样?再有,平时课时多吗? 有时间打工吗 ?

答:这边的研究生教育和国内的上课模式不是很一样,这边比较强调自我管理。一年的课程很紧张。如果是刚刚过来读书的同学,可能要适应一段时间。一开始可能不会有太多时间打工 。很多学校都设有"Learning to learn" 和"Pre-sessional"语言课程来帮助留学生适应在校的学习。不少学生都是边学边打工的,他们的学习生活同样很成功。这种做法在英国的学校相当普遍,也是锻炼自己的机会。

4. 问:你好,我35了,能到英国留学并定居吗?


5. 问:我是国内大二的学生,我的留学计划想换专业,这样的话是不是申请签证就会有很大变化?



6. 问:我丈夫现在持有英国工作签证但将于今年10月底到期,但他所在的公司已经答应为他延长工作签证的期限。我和我的儿子想以我丈夫持有工作签证的条件来申请家属签证,请问我们能够在他的工作签证即将到期的情况下申请到签证吗?


7. 问:那么我能在我丈夫签证期满前申请找他吗?


8. 问:我还想确认以下,我丈夫的签证10月30日到期,我能申请10月30日到期的亲属签证吗?


9. 问:我想带着儿子一起去英国,应该怎样给他申请签证?


10. 问:I want to ask a question about dependent visa. I found out on www.uk.cn that if the dependent applies visa with the student, they need to supply evidence of accommodation. How about temporary accommodation? Since the school doesn’t supply accommodation for couples, we need to rent apartment outside the school. We can only arrange a temporary accommodation for several weeks at the moment.您好,我有一个关于陪读的问题,因为www.uk.cn网上说陪读的和学生一起签证的话,必须有证据安排好了宿舍,请问,临时宿舍可以么?因为学校不能提供夫妻住房,所以必须自己到校外租房,现在只能安排几个星期的临时宿舍。

答:Dependents of students do have to show that there will be adequate accommodation and maintenance for all parties without recourse to public funds. If you can only arrange temporary accommodation at the moment, then please provide evidence of this. You will also have to provide documentary evidence to show that you will be able to afford adequate accommodation for your and your dependents after the lease on that temporary accommodation ends. 陪读者需要证明他在不接受公共基金资助的情况下的住宿和维持生活的能力。如果你现在只能够找到临时住宿,那么请你提供有关方面的证明。此外,你还需要提供你在临时住宿后能够解决住宿问题的证据。


11. 问:我在获得了攻读博士学位有条件录取通知书之后,学校又承诺给我转为无条件录取通知书。因为寄丢了,我至今没有收到。我就要申请签证了,我可不可以用一开始收到的有条件录取通知书后注明“我的无条件录取通知书已经签署,不久后会收到”来申请签证?


12. 问:我要9月去读华威大学预科,正式录取通知书在寄来的路上,能否先用有条件的通知书递签,如果可以能签几个月的呢?收到正式通知书再续签可以么?


13. 问:我是一名在校大学生,我这个冬天想去英国旅游,我不想借助旅游中介。我还没有收入,请问这种情况我应该准备哪些材料来说明我的资金支持将由父母给与?另外,我以前去过英国,这不是对我再次申请英国签证有帮助呢?


14. 问:我已于8月15日递交了签证材料,我的课程马上将在9月21日开始了,请问我什么时候可以拿到签证?


15. 问:申请延长签证需要提供公安局的注册材料吗?


16. 问:可不可以不提供雇主证明信?因为我不想让我的老板知道我在申请赴英留学。


17. 问:我的无条件录取通知书将在下个星期四或五寄到我手里,但考虑到我要预先定购机票并联系住宿,我能否先用有条件申请书来申请签证?签证处是不是只会给我一年的签证呢?将来签证延期的时候时间长短上会受影响吗?


18. 问:我在广州,我是在7月25日递交的我申请学生签证的材料。现在已经17个工作日过去了,我的朋友8月初在北京递交了材料都已经拿到签证了。我还要等多久呢?


19. 问:我已经准备好了签证申请表、录取通知书、IELTS成绩单、学位证书、资金状况、父母工资收入证明和公安局注册表,这些材料够了吗?


20. 问:我想知道需要我父母提供工作单位的详细信息吗?


21. 问:是什么决定通知书的有无条件?是IELTS成绩吗?


22. 问:怎样能把有条件通知书改到无条件?


23. 问:我准备的申请文件大概有四、五十页,会不会太多了?


24. 问:我向申请就读彭布罗克郡学院的基础课,由于考试时间晚,我还没有拿到IELTS成绩但已经有了彭布罗克郡学院入学英语考试的成绩单,我可以用这个成绩单来申请9月份的签证吗?


25. 问:我计划07年秋季去英国读一年的工商管理硕士。我已经取得了IELTS6.5分。但是我的情况比较复杂。04暑假的时候计划去英国旅游,6月份和7月份都申请了签证却都被拒签了。第一次拒签的原因是因为资料不全;第二次拒签的原因是说我有移民倾向。请问,如果我还想去英国留学能不能拿到签证?那两次拒签史会对我申请留学签证有多大影响?我是不是很难拿到留学签证?


26. 问:我想知道现在大学通知书有有条件和无条件,这对签证有什么影响?


27. 问:我同学今天收到使馆的电话,由于我们是合作办学,录取通知书上要求的IELTS成绩就是内部测试成绩,可签证官打电话要求我同学出具IELTS成绩。


28. 问:用有条件录取通知书可以申请签证么?如果可以,是不是会比用无条件录取通知书成功率要小一些呢?


29. 问:a temporary graduation certificate 临时毕业证 ?

答:You can apply for a visa using your temporary graduation certificate, but a full written explanation should be submitted outlining why the full certificate has not been issued. 您可以用临时毕业证申请签证,担请提交一份详尽的书面解释,说明为什么不能提交正式的证书。

30. 问:If I have a conditional offer, can I use it to apply the visa? p.s. My condition is to have an average of 80 for all my courses in university, and I can submit my transcript to prove that I met the condition. 我获得了有条件的录取通知书,能用来申请签证吗?条件就是以80分的平均分通过中国大学的所有课程,我能够提交成绩单来证明我已经达到条件。

答:Yes,if you have evidence that you have already met the conditions of your offer letter you can apply for the visa. You should submit original copies of any documents that relate to your application. 是的,如果您能证明已经达到学校录取的条件您可以申请签证。您应该提交与申请相关的任何文件的原件。

31. 问:我的父母是私营公司法人代表,需要提供公司的盈利状况报表吗?


32. 问:我的担保人是父母,他们有多余学费和生活费4倍的存款,但这笔存款时政府的赔付补偿款,另有一处房产可以作为抵押,这样的情况能够签过么,需要提供什么证明文件?


33. 问:I will go to Cambridge with my wife. But the college told me that they will allocate the accommodation in August so that I can''t have the accmmodation letter now. But I have to apply for visa this month 我会和我妻子一同前往剑桥大学。但是学校说他们要到8月才能为我们安排住宿,因此现在我不能提供住宿证明。可是我这个月就要申请签证。

答:You can apply for the visa so long as the college write a letter to you stating that accommodation will be provided when you arrive in the UK. 只要您提供学校出具的解释信说明你们抵达英国后将为你们提供住宿就可以申请签证了。

34. 问:I have applied for the MA programme of Media and Cultural Analysis ans got the conditional offer. Because of my IELTS mark, I have to take the Pre-sesstional English Course in August. My question is that: Can I apply for my visa with my language course offer so that I am able to go to attend the couse in time. Thank you very much! 我申请了传媒与文化解析专业的研究生并获得了有条件的录取通知书。由于我的雅思成绩,需要在8月进行预备语言培训课程。我的问题是:我能否用语言课程的录取信申请签证以便我能准时参加该课程。非常感谢!

答:Yes - you can apply for your visa. You should submit the offer letter for both your language course and your university MA course. 是的,您可以用它申请签证。您应该提交语言课程和研究生课程的两封录取信。

35. 问:请问申请签证的时候所有资料是不是都需要正本,还是可以复印件或者传真件?


36. 问:我妈有退休证了,签证材料里还要提供其他什么证明吗?资助人是我的父亲。


37. 问:我想问一个我爸是一个民营企业的经理,月收入满多,不过就是没有个人所得税的税单是和企业一起交了,我想问一下这个情况要提供那些资料?


38. 问:再请问一个问题, 翻译存折的时候是否一定要打印出来? 我可以在复印件上标出重要几笔存款,并用笔在上面翻译吗?

答:交的材料都需要有翻译件. 如果你觉得很重要,可以表出几笔重要的存款,会有一定的帮助,但是不是必须的。

39. 问:多长时间以上的存款不需要提供原来的利息单?我们家以前的利息单都没有保留。谢谢。


40. 问:如果递交的原件材料,比如说房产证之类的,递交上去后万一丢失怎么办?


41. 问:I have a conditional offer to study for MSc International Marketing Management at Leeds University, England for a year beginning September 2006. The conditions are that I obtain my BSc degree here in china and that I attend a Pre-MBA course at Leeds for 6 weeks starting at the end of July. My question 1 is: When can I apply for my visa as I will not get my letter of offer until I have fulfilled the condition. I will not get the result of my China degree until the beginning of July and of course I cannot fulfil the condition of completing the Pre-MBA course until I arrive in England .I am not sure when Leeds University will give me my letter of offer.我有一个利兹大学理科国际市场管理的有条件offer,在2006年9月开学。条件是我在中国取得理科本科学位,并在利兹大学参加7月底开始为时6周的MBA预备课程。我的问题是:1、我应该什么时候申请签证,因为我必须满足了所有条件才能取录取信。我要等到七月初才能取得我的中国学位,并且在完成MBA预备课程前我并不能满足条件。我不知道利兹大学什么时候会给我录取信。

答:you can submit the offer for the pre-MBA course as well as for the MBA course. and the visa will be assessed on that basis. 你可以提交MBA预备课程的录取信,签证会在其基础上签发。

42. 问:我是一名老师,请问我可以用我的工作证及工资存折来代替单位开的在职收入证明吗?


43. 问:如果有存款证明,还要存折的历史记录吗?


44. 问:哪些证明需要公证?(notarize,notarization)


45. 问:我已有Glasgow的conditional offer,要求是完成学业,拿到学位证,可是学校7月才发学位证,能否一旦拿到就先办签证,而不非等换取无条件通知书后再签呢?


46. 问:你好,我上一年被拒签了,今年在准备材料上要注意些什么啊?上年的拒签理由是我爸有经济不稳定。


47. 问:My son has just got the visa for 2 years A-level course. He wants to further study in university in UK two years later. When he renews his visa in UK, do I need to supply the deposit and salary certificate, ect again? 我儿子刚刚拿到签证,去读2年的A-level课程,我想请问:如果他两年后在英国读大学,在英国续签签证时,是否还要象这次一样提供存款、收入证明、资金来源等等资料?

答:When your son wishes to renew his visa in the UK, he will have to provide documentary evidence to show that he is able to meet the cost of that course, accommodation and maintenance without taking employment or engaging in business or having recourse to public funds. 如果你儿子希望在英国续签,他需要重新提交能证明他在不工作或接受英国公共基金的情况下有能力负担学习费用,解决住宿问题的文件。

48. 问:Is there any requirement for translation of tax certificate and business license? Is it necessary to translate them in English?对于签证材料中的一些税单、营业执照等的翻译有没有特别的规范要求。是不是一定要译成英式版本。

答:It would be extremely helpful if all documents were translated into English and to provide a brief description of the tax certificate and business licence would help to speed up the application process. 如果你能够提供所有文件的英文版本将会对你有很大帮助,因为这可以加快我们对资料的审查。

49. 问:Dear Ms. Roslyn McCourty, I have a query about the source of funds. My father is my sponsor, who has studied in Japan for nearly 11 years since 1990. He received his Doctor''s degree in Japan and later went back to China. He is now the professor in a university. Because he got some scholarships from Chinese government and Japanese government and did some part-time jobs during living overseas, he accumulated enough foreign currency for supporting my one year’s postgraduate course. So I want to know except for providing the evidence of funds(deposit slips and deposit certificate) , my father’s employment/income letter and salary bank book in university of China to certify the history of funds, what other documents should I provide for certifying my father’s history of foreign currency? Should I provide a statement of my father’s overseas studying experience and certificate of Doctor’s degree to demonstrate the source of foreign currency or other documents to demonstrate it? Can you give me some suggestions?我有一个关于资金来源的问题。我父亲是我的担保人。他在日本学习了11年,并取得了博士学位。他现在是中国一所大学的教授。因为他在海外学习的时候获得了中国和日本政府的奖学金,而且他也有做些临时工作,所以他储存了足够的外币来资助我的硕士课程。我想问出了提供资金证明外(存单和存款证明),我父亲的工作证明和收入证明外,我还需要提供什么其他文件来证明我父亲外币的来源?我还需要提供我父亲在海外学习的经历和博士学位证明来证明资金的来源吗?你能够给我些意见吗?

答:The more documents you provide, the better picture we have of your sponsors'' ability to fund your studies. It would be very helpful to see evidence of your father''s income whilst in Japan along with documents regarding his current employment.你能够提供越多的文件证明,我们将能够更好的了解你的担保人资助你学习的能力。能够提供你父亲在日本期间的收入证明和她现在的工作证明对有的申请有很大帮助。

50. 问:The company which my father is working for is different from the previous in the family book. Do I need to change his company in the family book? And we don’t have the real estate certificate at the moment, can I use other documents instead?父亲户口上的工作单位和现在的不一样,需要改么? 有影响么?还有就是现在住的房子产权证还没办好,有什么可以代替么?

答:If you simply haven''t updated your family book since your father changed companies then an explanation of this should be okay but it is your decision if you want to update your family book to include details of your father''s current company. You can use other documents to show property ownership if you do not have a real estate certificate.如果仅仅是没有改变户口本上的公司名称,那只要说明清楚就行了。但是你也可以更新户口本上的资料。如果没有房产证,你可以用其他文件来证明你对房产的所有权。

51. 问:If I can be sponsored by a company, how should I prepare the documents to support my visa application for my study in the University of Liverpool in Sept?如果我的公司资助我出国学习,我应该如何准备文件来帮助我申请九月份到利物浦大学学习的签证呢?

答:You should provide documents from this company confirming that they are willing to fund your studies, how much financial assistance they are providing and bank documents from the company to show that they are able to fund your studies.你应该提供你公司同意赞助你学习的证明,你公司赞助你学习的金额,和公司的银行文件来证明其有能力支付你的学习费用。

52. 问:As my mom is working in a company, her personal income tax has been deducted and paid by her company. I can''t get a tax certificate for her personal income tax. Can I apply without that?我的母亲在一家公司工作,她的个人所得税被减少了,而且由公司支付。我不能够取得她的税收证明。如果没有税收证明,我可以申请签证吗?

答:Yes, just explain to the Visa Application Centre when you apply why it is not available.可以,只要在你申请的时候想签证申请中心说明你为什么不能提供该证明。

53. 问:I'm sponsored by a scholarship which is set up by one of my uncles in my middle school in China. He is living abroad without registered permanent residence. Is the scholarship valid for my visa application? What kind of materials should I prepare to apply for my visa in this case? Besides, should I provide the certification of the relationship of my uncle and me? Thank you!我现在由我叔叔在我所就读中学所成立的奖学金资助我出国留学。他现在居住在国外,但是没有永久居留权。这个奖学金可以用于我的签证申请吗?在这个情况下,我应该准备些什么签证申请材料?另外,我应该提供我和叔叔的亲属关系证明吗?

答:You should provide documents to show that this is a registered scholarship in China, that the scholarship has the ability to fund your studies and a letter from your uncle confirming that he is willing to fund your studies. You do not have to be related to your sponsor so don’t need to provide a certificate of relationship.你应该提供证明该奖学金已经在中国注册的文件,并且证明该奖学金有能力资助你的学习费用和一封你叔叔提供的确认资助信。你并不需要提供亲属关系证明,因为你并不一定要与你的资助者有关系。

54. 问:I received conditional offer for Msc Shipping, Trade and Finance of 2006-2007 from City University. Can I apply for the visa base on this conditional offer with pre-sessional language tuition?我收到了城市大学2006-2007年物流、贸易和金融专业的有条件offer。我能够用这个offer和课前语言培训申请签证吗?

答:You can apply for a student visa with a conditional offer letter. Depending on the conditions, your visa will either be issued for the length of your pre-sessional language course or for both courses.你可以用有条件offer申请学生签证。在这种情况下,你的签证有效期可能会到你课前预备课程完成为止,或到你完成所有课程为止。

55. 问:My fund is my husband’s and mine. My mother gave me 80,000 RMB. Can I explain the fund is from my parents? Do I need to prove our relationship. Can I get a certification from the police station? I’m a resident of Beijing, My parents are in the other province. Do I need to notarise that? Do I need to supply my parents’ bank book and salary certificate since most of the fund is of my own.请佳宾帮忙回答一下我的问题:我的资金主要是我和老公的存款,但是我妈妈去年给了我8万,我是不是要说明来源(来自父母),我是否需要证明亲属关系,是不是派出所开个证明就行了.我的户口现在在北京,而父母的在外地.还需要公证吗?另外,我还需要提供父母的工资单/存折吗?因为大部分钱是我自己的。

答:If your parents are co-funding your studies, then you will need to provide evidence of their source of income and ability to fund your studies. You do not need to be related to your sponsors but a birth certificate to show your relationship would be helpful.如果你的父母资助你的学习费用,那么你学要提供他们收入来源的证明和证明他们有能力资助你的学习费用。

56.问:Can I use faxed offer letter to get a visa? In addition, do I need to ask my university to send my offer letter to Visa Office by fax? 我可不可以用录取通知的传真件来申请签证?还有,我是否需要让我的大学把录取通知书通过传真寄给签证中心?

答:we prefer the original documents, but you can also include in a fax invitation letter, so we can start the process and later you can give us the invitation letter later and we do need to see the original documents 我们比较倾向于原件,但是你可以先给我们传真件,这样我们可以先开始处理你的签证申请,然后你可以晚一点给我们原件,但是,我们的确需要原件。

57.问:if I wanna see my girlfriend next February, what kind of visa I should apply? Thanks 如果我想在明年2月份去看我的女朋友,我应该申请怎样的签证?谢谢。

答:you would need a visit visa , apply on form VAF1, which you can download from www.ukvac.cn 你需要一个访问签证,通过VAF1表格申请,你可以在www.ukvac.cn上面下载到这个表格。

58.问:it will not matter if i enter the UK to study at another university? 如果我去英国另一家学校读书会有问题么?

答:If you are going to study next academic year, you will need to show us a new offer letter from the new university you have chosen. 如果你打算下一个学年度度英国读书,你必须出示你选择的新大学的录取通知书。

59.问:I took my second time IELTS on Sep.2,so i will get the IELTS report on Sep.17,as i have no time to change my uncondition offer,can i use the condition offer to apply my student visa? 我在9月2号考了第二次雅思考试,所以我将在9月17号拿到我的雅思成绩。因为我没有时间去改变我的无条件录取通知了,那么我是否可以用条件录取通知来申请我的学生签证?

答:as long as the IELTS score has met the requirement on the conditional offer, you can use that conditional offer together with original IELTS report for visa application. 只要雅思考试成绩达到了条件录取的标准,那么你就可以用条件录取通知单和雅思考试成绩单原件一起来申请签证。


60. 问:我今年27岁,获得了全额奖学金还需要准备担保相关材料吗?


61. 问:我即将赴英完成硕士课程并获得了涵盖学费及生活费5000英镑的奖学金。我自己按照录取通知书中的要求,另外准备了3000英镑已备学习之用。但是我的提供的3000英镑是我个人存款而且是活期的,由于只能对定期存款出具相关证明,银行无法为我的活期存款提供存款证明。我能递交我的活期存折来申请签证吗?有没有可能以为此被拒签?


62. 问:我爸爸的工厂是在十年前用我叔叔的名字注册的,去年才更改到我爸爸名下,工厂名称也变了。我爸爸一直管理经营这个厂但是由于特殊原因一直用的都是叔叔的名字。请问我要怎样说明这个事实呢?


63. 问:由于所有的文件都用我叔叔的名字,怎样才能证明实际上是我爸爸过去十年一直管理工厂呢?


64. 问:我已经被诺丁汉大学录取了,托福成绩是620分,但是我父母只能提供85%-90%的费用,这样的话我能申请到学生签证去读博士学位吗?


65. 问:定期存款要存够多长时间?


66. 问:我现在在英国学习,正在准备申请高技术移民,收到英国内政部的认可信后,我将申请签证。现在需要提供我能够留在英国生活所需的费用证明。我现在国内有住房基金能不能被视为有资金能力的一部分呢?我所在的单位有政策规定,如果员工移居国外,其房产可以转换成个人的住房金带走。这样的话,我是否需要将我的住房基金转换成存款呢?我能不能只提供住房的证明和单位相关政策文件?


67. 问:申请到英国读硕士,30万担保金够吗?


68. 问:我已接收到了去读A-level的录取通知书,可能还要学习两年基础课,在申请签证的时候是否需要提供材料证明能负担上大学的资金呢?


69. 问:我是一名将要赴英攻读硕士学位的学生。我于昨天递交的签证申请材料。可是我现在心情一点也不好。因为在我的材料中,没有父亲的工作收入证明。原因是我父亲没有正式的工作单位。在资金方面父母是我出国留学的资金担保人,父亲于05年11月15日同一天给我存入了30万元存款。15万是他的名字,15万是我的名字。对资金的来源,我提供了两个存折,可是存折上都没有剩余的钱了,只有显示曾经有过资金流动。而且没有和那30万相近的存入日期。另外还提供了家里的房产证两个。父亲是一个小包工头,他在我们那里承包工程是挂靠在别人的公司下承包工程的,所以每次付给他的工程款都是税后的。他自己没有公司,所以没有相应的营业执照等之类的东西,对父亲的工作证明,我还提供了几份父亲和别人签的工程合同。我们能做的就只有这些了,可是听说这样是很有危险性的,所以递交完材料后,我焦虑不安,所以今天想来问一下您,对于资金方面, 我提供给签证处的资料能否可以证明那笔存款是我家的。可是那些钱确实是我家里的。这样的话,签证官会不会对我的材料怀疑呢?我的签证通过率有多少?


70. 问:我已经提供了存折和资金证明,还有营业执照和户口本,但是我真的很害怕签证官象上次一样说我资金来历不明而拒签。但是由于他自己是业主,这种情况还要开收入证明吗?或者我在递交材料的时候提供一下他的电话号码,这样会好些吗?


71. 问:我7月27递交了一次,签证被拒绝了,原因是我的30万存款时间不够长,但是我提供了这笔存款是从我把的活期中取出来的银行对帐单,还有提供了我们家出租房子的合同,但是这些合同都是没有通过中介,看上去不是很正式,不知道问题是不是出在这里。我现在已经准备了第二次签证,我让我表哥做我的第二个担保,他是在中国轻纺城做生意的,年收入超过100万,他有去年11月份和10份的两张存折,总共为35万,但是他们多半是现金交易,提供不出这笔存款的由来,但是时间比我自己的要长,签证官会不会因为我提供不出由来而拒签,如果这样我是否应该不出举这笔35万的存单,而是更好的把我爸的资金来源做的更好些。


72. 问:由于第一次材料是中介帮我做的,所以我不知道他们有没有将银行对帐单和出租房屋的合同翻译好,因为签证官所我没有提供这30万存款的出处,但是我想这些就是来源。现在我是自己做的,我把这些都翻译好而递交了,我让我表哥做担保的目的是为了说明我有较长时间的存款担保,是否没有出处的资金(只提供了营业执照和户口本)还是不提供的为好?


73. 问:I have got the offers for my PhD and full studentship which covers my tuition fee and 10,500 pounds living expenses from Loughborough University. May I ask whether I need to submit other financial funding statement, such as money to support my travel from China to England, etc. ? 我已获得拉夫堡大学的博士生录取通知书,以及含盖学费和10,500磅生活费的全额奖学金。请问我还需要提交其他资金证明吗?例如我从中国到英格兰的交通费用等?

答:You should submit all necessary information relating to your finances. If you are using your own funds to pay for your transport costs, please submit the evidence of these funds with your application also. We will also need to see evidence of your scholarship which will cover your fees and living costs in the UK . 您需要提交所有与您的资金相关的必要证明。如果您的交通费用是自行负责,请提供这部分资金的相关证明。我们还需要看到含盖您英国学费和生活费的奖学金证明。

74. 问:我在英国读了三年本科,但签证今年6月到期,若要继续续签读master,需要银行存款证明吗?


75. 问:签证时一定要冻结资金吗?


76. 问:如果提前把学费和住宿费交给学校,这样签证时对资金的限制就会低些??我妈妈6月底才存的钱,我怕时间太短


77. 问:请问资金证明需要提供哪些材料?比如我奶奶的帐户上有20万的存款,存款期已经有七年了,还用证明吗?


78. 问:但是如果我的存款并不是我自己的工资收入存款,而是已经趋势的爷爷留下来的,存在我的帐户下,我需要提供什么证明材料吗?


79. 问:若已经有了担保人负责一切费用,还需要出示父母的经济能力或家庭经济状况吗?


80. 问:Since my sonsor works in the Government-Run Hospital, in this case, do I need to provide business license of my sponsor''s working place? 因为我的担保人在国家公立医院工作,请问这种情况下还需要提交医院的营业执照吗?

答:If your sponsor does not work for a private enterprise then we do not have to see the business license. You should submit an employment letter outlining your sponsors income and position within the organisation. 如果您的担保人不在私营企业工作, 那么我们不用看到营业执照。您应该提交担保人的工作证明,说明他/她在该机构的收入和职位情况。

81. 问:我想知道要完成我三年的本科课程,在我父母的银行帐户上需要有多少钱?

答:You should submit funds demonstrating that you have enough money to pay for your course fees, your accomodation, and also all living expenses whilst in the UK. Your university should be able to advise on the typical cost of living in the area. 您需要提供足够的资金证明来担负您在英国的学费,住宿费和生活费。您申请的学校应该能对当地的生活水平提供相关建议。

82. 问:申请签证时存款的期限要求是怎样的?请问,官方的存款期限是否是六个月?


83. 问:我的父母拥有三座房产,但他们为了支持我去英国学习硕士,刚刚卖掉了其中的一套房子。卖房子得到的30万元,是4月份存进银行的,是否会影响签证申请?


84. 问:我哥哥是一个公司的销售经理,每年有10万元的收入,他能否作为我的担保资助人?因为他的主要收入都是现金收入,可能没有工资单,而且这个公司的纳税相对来讲比较低,这样是不是可以有效地证明他的收入?


85. 问:您好,我是一个化学专业的本科生,将于2006年7月毕业。University of St.Andrews的化学学院已经授予我3-year PhD的全额奖学金,包括学费和生活费。请问我签证时还要准备保证金吗?如果需要,我需要准备多少才能顺利签证呢?


86. 问:My father runs a factory. We have not paid the tax as much as we should. But we have enough money. What should we do?我父亲经营一家工厂。他所交的税比实际上少。但是他有足够的资金资助我到英国留学。那我们应该怎么做呢?

答:Bring the copy of the business license which will give us an idea of the business and an employment letter and payslips or company accounts.你可以向签证处递交营业执照,这可以让我们了解你的企业,另外请加上就业证明和公司银行存折。

87. 问:如果签证资金里没有自己的钱,(我已工作3年),那么签证时是否需要提交自己的工资存折?


88. 问:Can I combined my mum’s, dad’s and uncle’s money for my source of funds since I myself am not working and do not have income? 因为我现在没有工作,我能够使用父母和叔叔的钱作为我的留学资金吗?

答:u can have as many or as few sponsors as necessary, provided the funds can be verified.资助者的数量并没有限制,你能够有多个资助者,只要你能证明资金的来源。

89. 问:如果一部分钱在股市,而不是银行存款的形式,那这部分钱可以用来做资金担保么?


90. 问:Three years ago my father borrowed a big deal of money to my aunt, and the money was saved by my aunt’s name. As I am going to study abroad, my aunt returned the money to my father and my father saved it this February. How should I prove that this amount of money was originally my father’s? In addition, our family has two real estates and a large amount of stock, which cannot be sold out at present however. The fund of my family is quite enough to support my two year’s study in UK. I wonder if i can pay my tuition fee to the university first and use the the money retuned by my auntie to apply for a visa? If yes, what other materials should i prepare now?三年前我父亲借了一大笔钱给我阿姨,钱是以我阿姨的名字存起来的。现在我想出国留学,我阿姨把钱还给了我父亲,我父亲在今年二月把钱存进银行。我如何证明这笔钱原来是我父亲的呢?另外,我家有两处地产和大量股票,但是现在并不能卖出。然而,我家现在有的钱已经足够资助我到英国完成两年学习。我想知道我是否可以先付大学的学费,然后用我阿姨所还的钱申请签证?如果可以,我需要准备其它什么材料?

答:why don’t you use the money by your auntie, to pay the tuition fee, and your father which has evidence of origin to support your application?你可以直接用你阿姨还的钱付学费,只要你父亲可以证明这笔钱的来源。

91. 问:Can my husband and I use the same bank account from his father? will 500,000 RMB and 5,000 GBP enough to support a couple for one-year Masters degree?我的丈夫和我可以使用他父亲的同一个银行存折申请签证吗?500,000人民币和5,000英镑足够支持我们俩的一年硕士学位吗?

答:yes you can use your husband funds for both.你们俩可以共同使用这笔钱。

92. 问:For a one year English course and one year foundation course, how much fund is necessary for visa purpose? 一年的英语课程和一年的预备课程,大约需要多少资金证明来签证?

答:as a guide, about 10000 pounds for London, and 8000 else where for living expenses. but this depends on the individual.作为指导,在伦敦,大约10000英镑,在其它地方大约8000英镑。但是这还是取决于个人。

93. 问:您好,如果一部分钱原来在汇市里面,而不是银行存款的形式,近期为了上学已经取出来了,但是不到半年,可以么?


94. 问:There are a number of questions relating to financial documentation so I will give a general response, covering the issues.对于有关资金证明文件的问题,我在这里给一个总的回答。

答:In essence, we need to see evidence that your financial situation, or that of your sponsor, is as claimed. This can mean a number of things: bank books, salary slips etc.我们必须看到你的资金状况证明,或者你的资助者的资金证明。证明的方式有多种,例如银行存折,工资单等。

95. 问:Do I need to explain the history and source of a term deposit (about 30,000) for two and a half years?我需要解释一笔两年半大约30,000元的定期存款历史和来源吗?

答:If you have supporting documents to show the source and history of this term deposit then please provide it. If you have no documentary evidence, then an explanation should suffice.如果你有这笔定期存款的来源和历史证明,那么请你提供这些证明。如果你没有文件证明,那么只要解释清楚就行了。


答:The documents we are focussing on to show that you can fund your studies are salary books, saving books, fixed term deposits documents and any other documentary evidence regarding your sponsors'' financial circumstances. As for how many months of tax lists you should provide, the last 6 months should be adequate.我们判断你是否有能力支付学费能力的文件主要是你的工资单、存折、定期存款文件和其它有关你担保人经济情况的文件。提供最近六个月的税收证明已经足够了。

97. 问:My family has own business. My father is the chairman of the company. He deposited 600,000 RMB to one bank account. But I heard that money should not be saved once to a same account since the visa officer will suspect the source of the fund. What can I do now? Shall I adjust the deposit now? I want to apply visa in August.我们家是自己做生意,父亲是公司的法人,今年3月份他从公司的帐上划了60W到同一个银行户头上。```但最近我才听说钱不能一次性打到同一个户头上,会被怀疑,。我现在该怎么办?去调整还来得及么?我预备8月分去签证。

答:You will need to provide documentary evidence to show the source of the RMB600000, eg. transfer from another bank account, but there is no need to adjust the deposit now.你需要提供能够证明这600,000元来历的材料。例如,银行的转帐记录。你并不需要去调整这笔钱。

98. 问:Could I provide Japanese bank books for demonstrating the source of foreign currency?我能够用日元的存折来证明我的外币来源吗?

答:You can provide any bank documents to show your financial circumstances, inluduing Japanese bankbooks but it would be more helpful and easier to assess your application if your bank documents were Chinese.你能够用任何银行文件来证明你的经济状况,包括日元存折,但是如果你能够提供中国的银行文件,那将会更加容易和方便进行你的申请。

99. 问:I had applied for visa before but was refused due to my father''s poor income confirmation. Now I have enough evidence to prove that my father is a successful businessman and has the ability to afford my tuitions and living cost. How can I apply again and explain it to the visa Officer and get their trust?我前一次的签证申请因为我父亲的收入能力而被拒了。现在我有足够的文件来证明我父亲是个成功的商人和他有能力支付我的学习和生活费用。我应该如果重新申请和向签证官解释呢?

答:You apply again in the exact same way that you applied before, this time providing the evidence that you mention.你只要用你之前申请的方法再申请一次,并且提供你所提到的证明文件。

100. 问:I already worked for 6 years and will pay all fees including tuition fee and living fee by myself. but now my all funds are in stock market for investment and I will sell the stock and get the cash in Jul before my visa application. Can I provide the transaction record which issued by security company and short capital certificate issued by Bank as my money certificate to apply for visa?我已经工作六年了,并且有能力支付自己的学习和生活费用。但是我现在的资金都投资在股票市场。我会在七月把股票兑现并开始申请签证。请问我可以提供股票公司的交易记录和银行的资金证明来作为我申请签证的资金证明吗?

答:If your funds come from selling stock then please provide all documents regarding this sale and the history of your stock market investments.如果你的资金是来源于你所卖的股票,那么请你提供所有有关你的股票历史的文件。

101. 问:is it necessary for us to save the money longer than 6 mths ? 我们是否需要存6个月以上的资金?

答:what a visa officer needs to see, is some evidence that your family can afford the tuition fees and living expenses for the time you plan to study in UK, this can be in the form of bank accounts, some other properties, stocks or shares, or assets, and etc... if you decide to use bank statements, they should be a period long enough to show where the funds have come from, so six months is a reasonable time period. if you use a bank book, showing one large deposit only for the entire study period you should include an expa(L)nation as to where that one large sum has come from..ex, from property or private business 对于一个签证官员来说,他需要看到的是:可以证明你的家庭可以支付你在英国期间所有的学费和生活费。这样的证明可以是银行存款,一些其它的财产,比如证券股票或是房产,等等。如果你打算以银行存款为证明,那么这样的存款必须存够一定的时间,以显示有正当的来源。所以6个月是一个比较合理的时间。如果你如果你使用一本银行帐簿,里面只有一笔大额的存款,而这笔存款是你准备用来支付所有读书期间的费用的,那么你必须还要解释这笔资金是哪里来的,比如是来自于房产或是私人投资。

102. 问:I will read a self-funded PhD. Do I need to provide financial guarantee for further three years? Or for only first year? 我将要自费攻读博士学位。资金证明需要是对于未来3年,还是只要第一年就可以了?

答:yes you need to show us enough money for your entire period of study 是的,你需要提供对你整个学习过程费用的资金证明。

103. 问:My fund is from selling one of my parents flats.(I plan to study A-level courses next year. )But the flat can't be sold until February 2007.I'm going to apply a visa during May 2007.Is it too late to prepare my fund after February ? 我的爸爸妈妈把他们的一套房子卖出,从而以此支付我在英国期间的学习。(明年我要去英国读A-level的课程)但是,这套房子要到2007年2月才能售出。我计划在2007年5月申请签证。这样是不是太晚了,如果我在明年2月以后才准备我的资金的话?

答:that is absolutely fine if you show the contract and the money from the sale...for example, a bank account 如果你可以出示出售房屋的合同以及资金,比如银行帐簿的话,这就可以了。

104. 问:but i think the deposit period should be at least 6 months 但是我想存款期要至少6个月啊。(接上一问题)

答:no need, but if it is coming from a sale, and i suggest you keep a copy of these email exchanges to include in your application when you make it 如果这笔资金是来源于一笔出售合同,这样就不必要一定要6个月。并且我建议你在申请签证的时候,把交易的电子邮件通讯记录附在文件包中。

105. 问:Can I use internal shares (shares only issued to employee of the Company) of a large state-owned company as a part of my financial guarantee? Thank you! 请问我是否可以用公司内部分红(只向公司内部人员发送的股票。)来作为我的资金证明?我们公司是一个大型的国有企业。谢谢。

答:sorry it has to be liquid assets which you can tranfer into usable funds 对不起必须是可以转换成可以直接利用的流动资金。

106. 问:my deposit is deposited into bank more than 6 months, but i cann't explain the resource of the deposit, is it ok? 我的存款存在银行超过6个月了,但是我不能证明这笔资金是哪里来的。这样可以吗?

答:jessiebai, that''s okay. 可以的

107. 问:i got a question,one of my friend,she is 19 years old,her aunt works in Italy with annual income of EUR8135,she wants her aunt to be her guarantor.is that ok? 我有一个问题。我有一个朋友她现在19岁。她的阿姨在意大利工作,年收入8135欧元。那么,她可以让她的阿姨作担保人么?

答:the sponsor can be from China or other countries. However, the amount should match the tuition fee plus living expenses which are needed for the study in the UK. 资助人可以是来自中国或是其他国家。但是,这笔资金必须可以支付在英国读书期间的学费和生活费。

108. 问: wonde if the shares or stocks must be public issued and listed in stock market? Thank you! 我想知道股票或是证券是不是必须是证券市场上公开发行的?谢谢。

答:as long as the value of the shares can generate enough income to cover the tuition fees and living expenses, they would be acceptable. 只要这样的股票的价值可以产生足够的收入以支付你的学费和生活费就可以了。

109. 问:How much should I prepare for a 2 year A-level?And were the fund of undergraduate ought to be prepared too,if i want to continue my study after A-level? How much totally will be round about? 对于完成一个两年的A-level学习,我需要准备多少资金?还有,本科学习的资金也要准备吗?我希望在读完A-Level以后继续读本科,那么总共需要多少资金?

答:it depends the tuition fee and living expenses during your study in the UK. if you plan to come back to China after your a levels, you can apply for a student visa for undergraduate study and show the additional fund at that time. 这取决于你在英国的学费和生活费。如果你决定在读完Alevel以后回到中国的话,那么你可以在那个时候申请本科阶段的签证,然后在那个时候提供资金证明。


110. 问:请问姐姐可以做担保人吗?


111. 请问留学英格兰 我想去伯明翰大学要多少担保金?


112. 问:担保人一定要直系家属吗,亲戚可以吗?


113. 问:Can my aunt be my third guarantee beside my parents?除了父母外,姨妈作为第三个担保人是否可以?

答:Anyone can sponsor your studies and you should provide the same type of supporting documents from your aunt as you would for your parents. It would also be helpful to include a letter from your aunt confirming that she is willing to assist with funding your studies. 任何人都可以成为你的资助人。你需要提交你姨妈的有关资料。如果能够加上你姨妈的确认资助信,那将会更有帮助。

114. 问:担保人和所提供存款的帐户人必须是同一个人吗?存款帐户户主可否是申请签证人本人?


115. 问:请问,是否是父母做为经济资助人签证最容易过?如果是其他亲属支援一部分,我们也可以提供足够的证明材料的话是否也可以签证?签过的可能性有多大?


116. 问:那担保人如何证明呢?要出具书面担保书吗?(比如 描述一下自己的职业和收入情况,保证一个人在英国期间的学费和生活费由担保人承担 ,他不会成为英国政府的负担等等)?



117. 问:我参加并通过了华威大学的WELT语言考试。我想知道这个考试能否作为我的语言等级证明来申请赴英学生签证?你们是否承认这个考试呢?它是否等同于IELTS考试?


118. 问:我已将我的IELTS成绩单寄往英国的大学了。我能使用过去考IELTS的成绩么?


119. 问:我的同学参加了赫特福德郡大学的入学考试,学校承诺一旦通过了这个考试就可以免试IELTS,请问是这样吗?


120. 问:托福成绩可以作为英语水平的证明吗?


121. 问:我正在申请就读爱丁堡大学的研究生,可学校对托福和IELTS成绩都没有要求,我是否两个考试都要参加?


122. 问:如果IELTS成绩比学校要求的低0.5分,还有希望吗?


123. 问:I want to ask whether to go england . Am i must pass the TOFEL and get the high piont? 我想知道如果要去英格兰,是否必须通过托福考试并取得高分?

答:In order to apply for a student visa you should have an offer letter from a school, university, or college. The school you choose will stipulate the exact language requirements for your chosen course. When you apply for the visa please submit any language qualifications/certificates that you have. 申请学生签证您需要有英国院校给您的录取通知书。您申请的院校会根据您申请的课程提出具体的语言要求。请您在申请签证时提交所有相关的语言能力证书/证明。

124. 问:我在英国读过2年了,读了Postgraduate Diploma in Manangement with English,和MSc,现在学校认定我的英语能力,申请到了无条件的博士录取通知书。请问我是否可以同样用这两年英语机构的学习经历来证明我的英语能力呢?


125. 问:我通过CARDIFF大学面试,获得了硕士无条件录取通知书,但是没有雅思成绩,请问这会对我的签证有什么影响?


126. 问:托福能不能签证阿?


127. 问:Do I need submit my IELTS scores when I apply the student visa for studing A-Level courses?在我申请A-Level课程学生签证的时候,我需要提供我的雅思成绩证明?

答:If you have an IELTS score, then please do submit it with your application.如果你有雅思成绩,那么请你在申请的时候附上。


128. 问:我想在英国留学期间,到美国去探亲,请问在英国什么地方办理签证?


129. 问:I am a China student, I have done the first two years degree in Malaysia, now going to transfer to UK to do the final year, my girlfriend is also a China student who had finished her degree in Malaysia. Now we just married, she want to follow me to UK to take care of me. I will apply the UK visa in Malaysia, can she also apply the visa in Maylaysia after I get my visa? 我是中国学生。在马来西亚学习两年取得了第一个学位,现在要转学到英国完成最后一年的学习。我的女朋友也是中国学生,而且在马来西亚完成学位。我们刚结婚,她想要跟我一起到英国。我会在马来西亚申请英国签证。她能够在我取得签证后,在马来西亚申请吗?

答:what is important is to apply together, whether in China or Malaysia is your choice.重要的是你们俩要一起申请,你可以选择在中国或马来西亚申请。

130. 问:I''m now studying in Beijing. But I''m a permanent resident of Hunan province. Should I hand in all my application in Wuhan( as it''s nearer to Hunan) , or I can apply for a Visa in Beijing.我现在在北京念书,但是我的户口在湖南省。那我应该在武汉递交签证申请,还是在北京递交申请呢?

答:If you''ve been studying in Beijing for several years and have a temporary residence card then you can apply in Beijing. However, as you are a permanent resident of Hunan, you can also apply to the Consulate in Guangzhou.如果你已经在北京学习了几年,并且有临时居住证,那么你可以在北京申请。但是因为你是湖南户口,你也可以在广州领馆申请。

131. 问:I''m from Taiwan, now working in Beijing. Do I need to apply student visa? Shall I go back to Taiwan to apply for it?我来自台湾,现在在北京工作。我需要申请学生签证吗?我应该回到台湾申请吗?

答:Yes you do need a visa and can apply in Beijing if you are currently living there.是的,你需要申请签证。如果你在北京居住,你就可以在北京申请。


132. 问:请问能在中国申请英国签证延期吗?

答: 建议你重新申请一个新的签证。

133. 问:我是北京重点大学的学生,IELTS考了7分,已经被英国华威大学录取。以我的条件第一次签证能签多长时间?


134. 问:我拿到签证之后,必须在有效时间内赴英是吗?


135. 问:请问5周语言加上一年硕士一般可以申请多少时间签证?


136. 问:If I have got the Visa last August and the Visa is still valid until Jan 31th, 2007. For some reason, I did not go to UK and decline the offer of a master program last year. Can I use the Visa I got to join a master program of another university this September?如果我去年八月取得了签证,而且签证2007年1月31日到期。因为某些原因,我去年并没有去英国完成硕士课程。我想请问我可以使用这个签证参加另外一所大学的硕士课程吗?

答:this visa will not be adequate for the whole year master program这个签证有效期并不足够让你完成一年的硕士课程。

137. 问:Dear Ms. Emily Graham: 1)I hold a 1year Msc conditional offer from LSE. The condition is to attend their summer school (econometrics and microeconomics) from July to Sep, and got a final score of B+ or above. Can I apply for 14 months visa? 1)如果我有一个一年理科硕士的有条件offer。条件是要参加他们的7月到9月的夏季学校(经济学和微观经济学)。并能取得B+以上的成绩,我可以申请14个月的签证吗?

答:no. you can apply for the visa to cover the summer school period. 不可以。你只可以申请足够时间完成夏季学校的签证。

138. 问:I have heard that graduate in UK can extend their visa validity for one year? How can I renew the visa?我听说英国的毕业生可以在毕业后申请延签一年。我怎么申请呢?

答:Students who successfully complete degree level courses can switch to work permit employment in the UK after they complete their course and hold a valid work permit. Students who have studied certain categories of degree level courses can apply to remain in the UK under SEGS (Science & Engineering Graduate Scheme). Details are contained in www.workingintheuk.gov.uk. Students who have completed certain types of courses at Scottish education establishments can also apply to remain in the UK after their studies under the Fresh Talent Initiative. Details are contained in www.ukvisas.gov.uk.在英国成功取得学位的学生可以在完成课程和持有有效工作允许证明的情况下,将学生签证换成允许工作签证。理工科毕业生培养计划的学生如果完成了学位课程,可以申请留在英国。详细内容可以浏览www.workingintheuk.gov.uk。苏格兰新人才计划的学生在完成课程后也可以申请留在英国。详细内容请浏览www.ukvisas.gov.uk

139. 问:My passport will be expired in year 2008, whether I can apply a VISA for 3 years? Should I extend the valid period before I get the VISA? Someone told me that the valid period of the passport must be longer than the expected VISA time for 6 months. Is that right?我的护照在2008年到期,我可以申请一个3年的签证吗?我应该在我申请签证之前进行护照延期吗?有人告诉我护照有效期必须比签证有效期长六个月,是这样的吗?

答:People applying for short-term visit visas should have a passport valid for more than 6 months. However, you can apply for a 3-year visa with your current passport then simply extend your passport''s validity in 2008.申请短期旅游签证者的护照有效期需比签证长六个月。但是,如果你用现有护照申请3年签证的话,你可以在2008年再进行你的护照延期。

140. 问:I have a question here: i have got my visa, but unable to catch the start day of my course, and the university has suggested me to defer to my course to next intake. And i was wondering do I need to re-apply visa next year? 我有一个问题。我已经拿到我的签证了。但是不能赶上开学的第一天。我的学校建议我把这门学科挪动到下一学期。于是我想,我是否有必要在明年再申请一次签证?

答:If next Sept , you will need to apply for a new visa next summer, following the advice for requirements on the web site:www.ukvac.cn ,under the checklist (清单) 如果是明年9月那么你需要重新签证。你可以去www.ukvac.com的签证清单上面查询,上面有对签证的要求建议。

141. 问:do i have to re-apply for a visa if i start my course next September? thanks 如果明年9月开学,我是否需要重新办理签证。谢谢。

答:yes, unfortunately, because the visa is only valid for entry for 3 months 是的,因为签证只能可以让你入境3个月。


142. 问:英国现在好签证吗?


143. 问:我已接到格拉斯哥大学的录取通知书,我应该申请哪种签证?英国签证还是苏格兰签证?


144. 问:我想9月份在广州申请签证,需要预约吗?


145. 问:我在广州,请问我递送签证材料的时候需要和签证官交谈吗?


146. 问:我工作三年了,现在想申请毕业生签证去英国,是不是必须有公司接收我才行?


147. 问:我申请就读了布罗克斯托威学院,课程将于9月开始,但是我的IELTS成绩要到8月底才能出来,我想我赶不上按时开学了,但是学校同意我推迟一个月报到。这对我申请签证会有影响吗?


148. 问:那就是说在申请签证时会很麻烦?如果我让布罗克斯托威学院在他们的文件中加入期限会不会有帮助?或者还有别的办法吗?


149. 问:请问拿到学生签证后还可以换学校吗?


150. 问:我本来计划去A大学读书,但是我还没有收到该学校的无条件录取通知书,我怕当我拿到他们的通知书后已经来不及签证了。我想问我能不能先用大学B的无条件录取通知书申请签证呢?


151. 问:我持有英国签证,是我到格拉斯哥大学交换学习时办的,10月份到期。我想知道我能否拿着这个签证去英国,然后在英国再申请新的签证呢?


152. 问:携带HPV病毒是否可以申请英国硕士或留学签证?


153. 问:什么样的情况需要面签?


154. 问:I heard that it is peak season for visa, how long does it take to get a visa? 我听说现在是签证申请高峰期,请问取得一个签证需要多久?

答:If you apply for a student visa in Chongqing at the moment, we aim to return your passport with a decision within 2 or 3 working days. We are not currently opperating an appointment system, therefore you can apply for a visa at your conveniance. 如果您是在重庆申请学生签证,我们尽力在2到3个工作日内将有结果的护照退还给您。目前我们没有实行预约制,因此您可以在您方便时申请。

155. 问:如果我已经获得了另外一个国家的签证,比如说加拿大。但我没有去那个国家学习,这是否会对我申请英国学习的签证产生影响?


156. 问:我是一名大四的学生,专业是机械工程及自动化,毕业后我想到英国读经济类硕士,但由于英语水平不高,雅思只有6分,就想先到英国读一年硕士预科,现在申请了一个 diploma课程,用以提高我的英语跟全面了解英国社会,但是留英专业人士跟我说用diploma去签证比起master来,拒签率很高,很容易就被拒签了,这是我很不安,是这样吗?

答:You will need to show evidence that you have been accepted on a course together with evidence of funds. You will also need to have clear in your mind what you would like to do after your diploma course if you would like to continue studying in the UK.你必须证明你已经被录取,并提供资金证明。而且你还要明确读完文凭课程后是否要继续留在英国学习。

157. 问:请问新的英国硕士博士毕业后可延签一年的计划,威尔士的院校也包括在内吗?


158. 问:I went to UK with a “passport for public affairs” in 2004. May I use my own passport to apply for visa for graduation ceremony this July?我在2004年用公共事务护照去了英国,我现在可以使用我自己的护照申请签证参加七月份的毕业典礼吗?

答:you can use your private passport for your graduation.你可以使用你的因私护照。

159. 问:如果我是独女,要去英国读书。我妈妈可以陪读吗?他可以申请到签证吗?


160. 问:那如果大于12岁,妈妈可以送我去,再回来吗?


161. 问:我申请了苏格兰的学校,在我的学习计划里面说我学习完成后留在英国工作会造成移民倾向么?


162. 问:I am now majoring in British literature as a graduate student in China, expected to get an MA in 2007. I want to study law in UK after graduation and plan to apply for the bachelor programs in law since I don’t have any law-related background. Several universities in UK I have contacted said I can apply for their bachelor programs in law and one university gave me suggestions concerning taking transitional courses. My question: If I have no funding problem (I know it is a big amount), and I can get an offer from a University in UK, is it possible for me to get the visa or I will be rejected because of my age (currently 26)? 我现在在中国学习英国文学,并在2007年取得硕士学位。我希望在毕业后到英国学习法律。因为我没有法律知识背景,所以我打算学习法律本科课程。我联系了英国几所大学,他们说我可以申请他们的本科法律课程,其中一所学校建议我参加他们的过渡课程。我的问题是,如果我没有资金问题,而且我能够得到英国大学的offer,那我有可能取得签证吗?还是会因为我的年龄(我现在26岁)而被拒签呢?

答:Age is not a major concern, provided you have a credible study plan and adequate funds.年龄并不是问题,只要你有可信的学习计划和足够资金。

163. 问:以前被美国拒签过会影响现在签证英国吗?


164. 问:I’m a student parent. My child has applied to extend his visa through the school in August, 2005. However, he hasn’t got his passport back till now. His grandma is terribly ill and he wants to come back as soon as possible. We have contacted the embassy. But they only told us to wait. How can my child get the passport back as soon as possible? Can he use the travel license instead of the passport to come back to China? 2005年8月份在通过学校递交签证续签,到今没收到护照,急回国看望祖母病重,多次往使馆和移民局打电话回答叫等,我是学生家长,现在该怎么办能快点拿到护照。办旅游证能代替护照回国吗?我们全家人急于没办法,有什么办法能让孩子回来见老人呢?

答:The Visa Section in Guangzhou does not cover applications made within the UK. You will have to contact the Home Office in the UK and ask them to return the passport. If you travel to China on your ''travel license'' you could find it difficult in returning to the UK. Please seek advice from the Home Office in the UK. 我们广州签证处并不负责在英国境内的申请。你需要联系英国当地的签证处回答你的有关问题。如果你使用旅游证回中国的话,你将会在回英国的时候遇到困难。

165. 问:Dear Ms Roslyn McCourty, I will have a few questions to ask, 1. How can a chinese student, like me, apply for a student visa? also,2. During the application process, what sort of problems might occur? Lastly, 3. Whcich area or city in China, should I go to, in order to apply for the visa??像我这样的中国学生应该如何申请签证呢?在申请签证的过程中会有什么问题出现呢?我应该到哪里申请签证?

答:1. Details on how to apply for a student visa is available from the British Consulate’s website: www.uk.cn/gz and the website for our Visa Application Centre: www.ukvac.cn 2. It is difficult to answer this question as each case is unique and assessed on its own merits. If there are any problems with your application or if we require further documents or need to interview you, then we will let you know. 3. This information is also contained on the British Consulate’s website.有关如何申请学生签证在英国领事馆网站www.uk.cn/gz和签证申请中心网站www.ukvac.cn上有详细介绍。

166. 问:I am an undergraduate student studying in a university in Guangzhou. I am going to pusure my postgraduate study in UK. Here I have some questions with regard to application for visa: Lancaster university, where I will study in UK, has given me a conditional offer, telling me that once I submit the certificate of my final degree, it will convert the conditional offer to an unconditional one. It will probably take about two months for me to eventually get the unconditional offer from Lancaster university because of the delay of the receipt of my degree. Meanwhile, the program I will study suggests me to take a refresh course in August(It is not a kind of English course, so I do not necessarily take it in order to obtain the unconditional offer). I am afraid that it is too late to apply for visa after I obtain the unconditional offer. So can I apply for visa based on my conditional offer? Another thing is the conditional offer does not include a list of total tuition fee and living expense. Should I ask the university to send me another letter to list the expense?我是广州某大学的本科毕业生。我想到英国进行研究生学习。我有一些问题:兰开斯特大学给了我一个有条件offer,并且告诉我只要我提交了我的学位证明,我就能够拿到无条件offer。我大概在两个月后才拿到兰开斯特大学的无条件offer。但是我怕等我取得无条件offer的时候已经太迟。所以我可以用有条件offer申请签证吗?另外学校并没有把学费单和生活费单给我,我需要这些费用单吗?

答:You can apply for a student visa with a conditional offer but your visa may only be issued for the duration of your refresher course then you will either have to re-apply in China or extend within the UK. We do need to see how much the tuition fees and living expenses are so please ask the university to provide this.你可以用有条件签证申请有条件offer,但是你的签证有效期可能只会到你完成预备课程为止。然后你需要在中国重新申请签证或在英国申请延签。我们需要知道你的学费和生活费用,所以你需要向大学索取。

167. 问:I've been admitted to the Goldsmiths College of London university. i''m wonderting whether my visa application should be transfer to Britain during the process or not? how long will the process be for my case approximately? thank you!我被伦敦大学录取了。我的疑问是签证申请是否会被送到英国返签?这个过程大概需要多久?

答:All Chinese nationals need to obtain a visa if they wish to study in the UK and must apply for the visa before travelling to the UK. Your application will be assessed in China and cannot be transferred to the UK. We do aim to process applications within a few days but some applications could take longer if checks need to be carried out, further documents are required or if you need to attend an interview. Once you have all your documents together, you should apply for your visa as early as possible.所有想到英国学习的中国人都需要申请签证。你的申请会在国内进行,而不会被送到英国返签。我们会在几天内尽快完成你的申请。但是有些申请如果需要详细审查、证明文件不足或需要面签,那将会需要更长时间。因此只要你准备好所需文件,那么请尽快开始申请你的签证。

168. 问:I''m a student from lancaster foundation programme(BFSU). I''m planning to go to York as I''ve been given the offer. I''m not sure if I will be able to send my visa application by myself. Are there make any difference for me to send my application with the other student in my programe or send it by myself. I''ve been told that because Lancaster university have a cooperation relationship with Beijing Foreign Studies University, it will turns out to be better for my school to hand in my application. For me, I''d like to do the application progress all by myself.我是兰开斯特预备项目的学生。我现在计划前往约克大学,因为我已经取得了它的offer。我并不确定我是否可以个人直接递交签证申请。与其他同学一起递交签证申请和我自己递交有什么不同吗?听说兰开斯特大学与北京外国语学院有合作关系,因此学校为我递交申请会更好。对我来说,我比较喜欢自己之间递交申请。

答:It’s entirely your decision whether to apply by yourself, through an agent or through your current school. The application form and supporting documents we assess at the British Consulate should be the same no matter how the application was made.你可以自由决定是否自己去申请签证,或者是通过中介、你的学校等。无论由谁申请,申请表和证明文件在英国领事馆所接受的评估是一样的。

169. 问:I’m preparing to study in UK this September. But my IELTS score is only 5.5, so I need to take a two weeks language course. I need to wait until July to get my bachelor degree. But the language course will begin at the end of July. When should I apply for the visa?我准备今年9月去英国念书,但我的IELTS是5.5需要读两个月的语言.现在我需要等到7月初才可以拿到我的学士学位,而我语言课程开课时间在7月底,我该如何安排我的签证时间呢?

答:You should apply for the visa as early as possible, especially during the busy summer period. If you do not have your bachelor degree when you apply, then please provide a letter from your current college confirming that you have passed the course and that you will receive your degree at a later date. 你应该尽早申请签证,因为暑期是签证申请的旺季。如果你申请的时候还没拿到学位,那么请提供你现在所就读学校的证明,证明上应包括你已经通过了所有课程学习和你会在将来取得学位。

170. 问:我已申请到半年的中国政府奖学金,另外半年的费用我自筹,能否申请一年的访问学者签证?应该办理什么手续?另如果先去半年再续签,能否办理?什么程序?


171. 问:Dear sir, I have a complex situation need to communicate with you, may I have your Email address? 尊敬的先生,由于我的情况比较复杂,想通过邮件跟您交流,请问邮箱地址是什么?

答:Please contact the Visa Section or UKVAC directly or use the public email address of the Visa Section to communicate with ECOs. 请直接与签证处或签证中心联系,您也可以通过签证处的公共邮箱与签证官交流。

172. 问:I got visa last week. Unfortunately, I lost my passport this morning.Should I re-apply visa? What documents should I provide if I re-apply? Thanks! 我上个星期拿到了我的签证。但是,不幸的是,我今天早上掉了护照。我是否需要重新申请签证?如果要重新申请的话,我应该要提供什么文件?谢谢。

答:if you lose your visa, pls send us your personal details to our email address at :visa.shanghai@fco.gov.uk...so that we can stop the misuse of your visa by another person. and then , pls re-apply at the visa application center ...but i am sorry you need to pay again 如果你掉了签证,请把你的个人信息寄到 visa.shanghai@fco.gov.uk. 我们可以防止其他人误用你的签证。然后,请去签证中心重新申请签证。我很抱歉你需要重新申请。

173. 问:If my student visa application is very urgent, can Visa office give a priority to my application after request? 如果我的学生签证很急,那么在我提出申请以后,签证中心是否会给我一个优先?

答:yes, we can give you a fast service if you tell us it is urgent.是的,我们可以给你一个快速服务,如果你告诉我们你的签证很急。

174. 问:when i am filling in the Application form, my step-father's name writes English Or Korean ? 当我在填写申请表格的时候,我的继父的名字应该是写成英文还是韩文?

答:should be in English. 应该是英文的。







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