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中英网  www.uker.net  2007-01-31  来源: 无忧雅思网  作者: 未知


本人2001年7月,毕业于一所普通高等院校,学习了四年的法律,那到学位。家中对我的人生计划可谓关心至极,毕业前夕告之打算送我去英国读研,专业comercial law。因为我家住在一个小城市里,母亲对中介的了解不是很多,凭借着对党和国家的信任找到当地一家政府开办的所谓国际交流中心的中介。他们帮助我申请了一所语言学校,关于我研究生的那部分,连一个有条件的录取通知书也没有。在什么准备(签证辅导只类)的情况下,2001年的8月14号去签证了。
因为根本不知道签证的规则(建议大家自己阅读英国大使馆公布的申请细则),本来以为用中文可以减少麻烦,没想到坏就坏在中国翻译的手里了。因为我父亲单位的办公室对调, 总经理和懂事长的办公室电话号码有问题了,结果人家就硬说我父亲的公司是一个有问题的公司。无论我如何解释,翻译就是不给我翻,态度非常变态。于是签证官反反复复的让我解释着这个原因,最后说,no, I am not satisfied with your money ...............

因为我在国内没有准备过IELTS,托福到是有过。经过6个月的学习,我的IELTS考了6。5 当我决定就在新西兰读书的时候,我却被告之必须7才可以读法律,或者读一个postgraduate diploma 才能读master,而那个东西必须在2月才能读。就是说我半年没有书读,要么回国,要么继续靠语言。绝望中我又想到了英国,我心中的梦。

2003年6月14日,我同时向英国的5所大学发出的申请,我知道时间几乎来不及了。在所有的回信里,我告诉他们因为时间来不及了,所有材料使用email可以吗?结果英国的大学的确是有人情,全部接受我的email申请,我的材料都是通过扫描发过去的。一个星期以后三所大学的unconditional offers 到了,当然也是email。这是我开始等待原件的寄到,同时开始着手准备自己的签证材料。因为在新西兰或是国外,签证的手续几乎变了个样。它要求申请人提供足够的银行资金证明,但不说多少,只要够学费和生活费就可。我因为拒签过,所以查看的非常仔细,并且马上给驻中国的使馆和新西兰的使馆写信,询问详情。TMD中国的英国使馆不是东西,根本就不说。书信详情如下:
Dear officer :

My name is **** who has studied in New Zealand for 10 months. After deep consideration, I decided to go to UK for my further studies which are LLM course ***** university. I do get the offer from the University of Hertfordshire. In order to save the limited time, the professor Penny Carey, the Principal Lecturer in the law school, firmly suggested me to apply the visa in New Zealand .Cause if I go back China, it will cost much time to deal with it because of the SARS. My offer told me that it is available for me in this year September.

I did read the visas information in the web-site .But I still have some questions for the application.

So what I need is that what should I prepare for the application? And Can I make appointment with the entry officer? How much fund do I need to show you? Can I show you Chinese bank deposit certificate in English? Because I have only 17000 NZDs in the National Bank and 2000 USDs traveling cheque here, If you need I to show you the sufficient fund for the study and accommodation , I have to tell my family to transfer money or give you Chinese bank deposit certificate at the moment . Which would you like me to show you when I apply the visa?

My passport number is ***** .ID *******.Nationality :Chinese .

Respectfully yours,
Palmerton North
New Zealand

Dear ***

You may apply here if you wish.

You will need to supply all of the information that is listed on our
information sheet.

We will need to see proof of all funds that will be available to you for
your proposed study in the UK. This means three months of full bank
statements for your funds here in New Zealand, evidenc of your travellers
cheques, and also evidence of your parents ability to support you over the
full period of your study in the UK.


Immigration Section

Dear Ms/Mr.:

I am a Chinese student studying in New Zealand now . Because of my personal
reason , I want to study my master courses in the UK .

I have written two letters to you office . This time , I will do my
application .Before I go to wellington , I still have a little problem .I
have read the notice in your web .It says if an applicant need a student
visa to study master courses , she/he need 17 days at least for the confirm
from London .Because my courses will begin in the 22nd of September and I am
waiting for the files from my country for the visa , in order to save the
precious time , can I note my university in The UK to send all the recept
and accommodation certificate to you office directly .Of courses , before
the university dose that , I will pay my application fees .As we know ,
after I paid the deposit and tuition fees , I still need a couple of weeks
to get the recept .If you can accept the fax from the university that could
save much time .

For an honest applicant , I do hope your majorities of the Queen can I help
me .
Thank you very much

Sincerely yours,


In New Zealand


Dear ****,

You will need to supply original documents for your student visa
application, faxed documents are not satisfactory. You should also wait
until you have all relevant documents before you make your visa application.
You should not ask the University to forward all your documents to us.

You should allow us at least 4-6 weeks to process your application. Please
be advised that your application may be delayed longer than this as you have
previously been refused entry to the UK. We will need to obtain documents
regarding the refusal, and may need to send documents to China for

I have attached information regarding the student visa to this email.

IM, Immigration section

但是大家应该注意的是,老外在这里注意的并不是存款多少了,他们想看到的是你在国外的消费记录,就是 3 months bank statment .就是你三个月的消费以及家里寄钱还有你换钱的明细。所以一定要把换钱的收据,家里寄钱的收据保存好了(不难吧)。至于你花钱的明细上你自己看着花吧,当然是越多越好了,但是也有个好方法,可以少花钱,但在银行的帐单上还可以表现的大(到时候再教你们)。



Dear Ms/Mr.:

To be honest, I write this letter to state my present situation.

I graduated from a Chinese formal university in 2001 and got the L.B degree at the same time .When I was in the university , my professor had suggested me to have a further study in the UK if I want got a great achievement in the future .Because I had learned some foreign law in the university and had a good enthusiast in commercial law , I thought Britain should be the best place for my aim .So I began to concentrate on very course which would be relevant to the commercial law such as commercial law ,insurance law and international finance law, etc .Frankly , I did them well as my school report recorded .

In order to get an offer to study in the UK, I found an agent company to help me to deal with it .Actually , it was wrong when I consider it nowadays .The company did get an offer and fraud me that could change to an unconditional offer automatically when I meet the language requirement .It was a offer for English course in fact .But at that time , I did not care of that .Cause I thought I could change the university they gave me when I passed the language .Then I prepared the files as the agent company told me .

In 2001.8.14, I went to Beijing and visited the embassy to apply a student visa .In the interview, the officer asked me a series general questions. But she was not satisfied with my answer pertaining to my father's company .Because she wondered that why the general manager could answer a phone call directly and without a sectary transferring .So she suspected the company that my father was working was suspected .She focused on it times and times and wanted me to give her an appreciate answer . Honestly, in my home town, most of companies do not use the rule as the west. All the special offices' telephone numbers in the company are listed in the yellow pages. For example, if you want to speak to a bank manager, just look for the yellow page. So it is easy to call any office directly .But at that moment, my English was not as good as today to explain and the translator did not translate this special situation as well. The officer insisted that it was in- creditable that any one can easily call the general manager directly and further more she could not be satisfied with my parents' money .Then I was refused .I still remember that I was suspected to immigrant to the UK because of the financial problem.

When I went back home, I told my parents all the details .They were much wondered .They try to persuade me to apple. But a lot of people told me not to do that. If I fail, I can not go to the UK for ever. I do want keep my study opportunity for the future .Then I took a job in a law firm for a practicing lawyer.

During that year, I could not persuade myself to give up studying foreign laws and international commercial rules. Because it is become more and more useful since China joined the WTO.

In order to study in an English country and study the international commercial law, I chose New Zealand .After 7 months language study, I got IELTS 6.5 .They are: Listening 7.0, others 6.0. I have also got an unconditional offer from the Massey University business school for the graduate study .But unfortunately, it is only available till next year February .That means I have to wait for half years to do nothing .As an adult student, time is very precious. I do not want immigrant to any other country. The key purpose is that I want to study my professional field well and got enough skill to go back China to take a good job as soon as I can .To compare with the British educational course, if I could study in the UK this year, I will save 2 years to get a master degree. I should say that I am very lucky to meet Ms Penny Carey who is the Principal Lecturer in the University of Hertfordshire law school. I told her all my minds and experience including the refusal. She encouraged me to do what I really want to do. She also said if I was suit for a professional legal person ,to be honest was very important .She advised me to tell the embassy all the mistakes I have been suffered and show the sufficient evidences to proof that I have never lied .It was a real mistake by the language problem.

I have carefully read the notice in your web-sit .And be aware of that I should make a entry clearance .So I write these words to make you sure that I am really a general student .The purpose and aim are very simple. You can invest such an honest people as much as you want.

Now I am holding an unconditional offer of the University of Hertfordshire. And paid the tuition fees and the accommodation deposit .My parents are sending the income certificates which are proved by Chinese authorities and enough bank statements over 6 months .Further more , I have about 15000 Nzds and 2000 Usds in the national bank.

All the files are in the sending way. I will hand in them by my self next week.
I hope I could be satisfied with you any other day.

Sincerely yours,


在使用递交材料的工具上,一定要讲究次序和说明。让老外查找的时候非常方便,想要什么就有什么。他们就是猴子嘛,要的东西都满足了,自然给你签证了。用一个塑料活页夹子是很重要。最重要的一定有一个叫lists 的东西:

Dear Sir or Madam:
As a common applicant, I make this list to help you censor my application before you deal with my visa.

Part One:
1. A personal statement for a student visa
2. A Passport
3. Two Passport-Size photos

Part Two:
1. An unconditional offer from the University of Hertfordshire in LLM Commercial law ,
2. Full 3 month bank statements form 07/03/03___05/08/03 in National Bank of New Zealand ,
3. A fax file of international Funds Transfer Transaction Report for Tuition fees and accommodation deposit,
4. A receipt for tuition fees & accommodation deposit and acceptance offer from the University .
5. Tow thousand USDS travelers cheque
6. A living cost reference from the University of Hertfordshire.

Part Three:

1. A Certificate of Birth ,
2. A Certificate of kinship,
3. Two Certificate of Parents’ income and job statements
4. 5,00,000 RMB (relevant to 38500 pounds deposit in 6 months and bank statement )
5. A Certificate of Family premises
6. A completed contract of a family house purchase
7. A development report of estate and construction issued by my father
8. A piece of news paper and a selling guide of City Garden with translation
9. A copy of tax payment of my fathers company.

Part four:

1. A Certificate of Bachelor’s Degree.( with original paper)
2. A Certificate of General University Diploma,( with original paper)
3. A Certificate of Exchange Student Diploma
4. A Certificate of University Report Card (with original paper)
5. A copy of IELTS report ( original paper is on the way to me from the University of Auckland)
6. A attendance letter from Massey University English Language Centre
7. An Unconditional offer of graduate diploma in Business from Massy University
8. Some letters form the University of Hertfordshire law school principal lecturer Penny Caryey .

Please be advised, all the certificates are proved and guaranteed by Chinese Government of Notary Public Office.
Thanks for your time wasted
Sincerely yours,
Unit 12/359 College Street
Palmerston North
New Zealand


有了这些,剩下的就是interveiw 了。想想你如果是签证官的话,面对这样一份完美的申请,你还有什么不理解的问题了嘛?面试不过就是问你点非常general 的问题了。


关键字:一签必读 签证人生 







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