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查看最新留学文章您的位置: 中英网UKER.net > 留学资讯 > 英国签证 > 签证经验 > 武汉1000被拒(8月24日2000过)


中英网  www.uker.net  2010-07-30  来源: 热心网友  nk422  作者: 佚名


However, I am not satisfied, on the balance of probabilities, that you meet the requirements of paragraph 57, in particular:

You intend to follow the course

You are able to meet the costs of the course and maintain and accommodate yourself without recourse to employment or public funds


I have serious doubts over the authenticity of the documents produced in support of your parents’ employment/salary. In particular:-

You have produced an income certificate, which states that your sponsor receives a very high annual income. I am not satisfied that this income has not been exaggerated solely for the purpose of this application or that the income certificate has not been produced solely for the purpose of this application. I am not satisfied, based on the documents your have presented today, that your sponsor’s income is as high as you state.

Furthermore, you reliance upon such a document reduces the credibility of your application as a whole and casts serious doubt upon your intentions to follow the proposed course.

You have produced evidence of funds to demonstrate that there is money available for the cost of your tuition, maintenance and accommodation. These show that large sums of money were deposited over a short period. You have not attached a satisfactory explanation for nor shown sufficient documentary evidence of the origins of this money nor demonstrated that this money has been saved over a period of time. I am therefore not satisfied that these funds have not been deposited solely for the purpose of this application nor that they will remain available to you.

The cost of your tuition, maintenance and accommodation is to be borne by your parents. Funding you education will impose an additional financial burden on them and based on the evidence you have provided today I am not satisfied that this increased financial outlay is commensurate with their current economic circumstances or that these funds will actually be available to you in the United Kingdom. There fore I am not satisfied on a balance of probabilities that you would be able to meet the cost of your course, your maintenance or your accommodation without recourse to public funds. In the light of my misgivings concerning the financial implications of your application I am not satisfied that you intend to study in UK.

The evidence that you have submitted of finances is unsatisfactory and I am not therefore satisfied that you or your sponsor will be able to meet the cost of your trip and of your maintenance and accommodation in the United Kingdom without working or recourse to public funds.

Your application does not therefore comply with the provision of paragraph 57 of the Immigration Rules(as amended by HC 164).

我去伦敦city university读MA transnational media一年,要求28。2万,提供39。6万




资金材料很简单,一本定期存折34。6万,一张凭证式国债5万,母亲工资存折,父母收入证明,fund list一页就解释完了

No. Date of deposit Amount(RMB) Come from Evidence

1 2002/03/21 20,000.00 my parents’ salary and bonus

2 2002/10/08 24,000.00 my parents’ salary and bonus

3 2003/06/04 20,000.00 my parents’ salary and bonus

4 2003/08/06 45,000.00 my parents’ salary and bonus

5 2004/04/13 20,000.00 my mother’s salary The salary passbook of my mother①

6 2004/05/11 30,000.00 my mother’s salary The salary passbook of my mother②

7 2004/07/07 10,000.00 my mother’s salary The salary passbook of my mother③

8 2004/08/12 50,000.00 my father’s salary Redeposit on fixed passbook

9 2004/08/17 10,000.00 my parents’ salary and bonus

10 2004/09/01 10,000.00 my mother’s salary The salary passbook of my mother④

11 2004/09/23 20,000.00 my mother’s salary The salary passbook of my mother⑤

12 2005/02/19 50,000.00 my mother’s salary The salary passbook of my mother⑥⑦⑧

13 2005/02/27 37,000.00 my parents’ year-end bonus













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